Americans, I would say are a bunch of sweet hearts, they arent arrogant at all about thier ignorance. They would yell at you, abuse you, take you for a ride but son; the moment they know that thier problem is getting resolved you know what, they would say
"Honey,Son,Sweetheart "( Conditions on call apply) Its not against you, Its against Micheal Dell, Its against Bill Gates or Its cause I lost my temper which I shouldnt have.I would define americans as a bunch of people who would apologize if they did something wrong, appreciate you for the smallest thing on earth that you did for them, Screw your happiness if you play around with them.They are far better than our British comrades who are Sarcastic, Rude and at times are excruciatingly arrogant about thier ignorance. Another big thing about the Bitish is that they still belive that they rule the world and every word of english that we utter is taxable under thier law.
I would quote some of my funny experiences ; The first one is about our very own Brit who does want help but feels that asking help from a brown guy doesnt suit his stature. As usual our hero calls up for a high end technical issue about changing a scrensaver and for the initial question asked, comes the reply " You know what, I am not the usual customer you talk to. I just forgot how to do this particular thing, otherwise am a techie. Just tell me what to do and I will do it ". The tone and the rigidness of the voice gave me a feel that yeah this guy might be a programmer and might be he never does all these silly things. After the initial set back I decided to go forward and ask him to " right click "on his computer, You know what, off comes the next question from our Charles Babbage version 6.2 , " I am a left hander what should I do ".
The above one shows how much can a tech support guy get tortured when he deals with these heroes who never admit that sun has started setting in thier empire. An american by the by is really cool, he would easily come up with an issue that his coffee tray isnt working anymore , or he would say that the coffe tray doesnt come out any more. The support agent would ask wether he received the coffee tray along with the computer or is it a part of the computer and the customer would say a yes. Then begins the search of the millenium; google is of no help, Internal tech docs doesnt say a word about a coffee tray, sales team says that no complimentary items other than printers, memory cards and scanners have been shipped. The agent runs in search of his Subject Matter Expert who hasnt come back form his 90 minute smoke break, Team Leader who doesnt know a thing about the technicalities of the product ( He is a people manager ) and also asks his team mates who would laugh at his fate. At last the agent would get back to the customer and asks how does he get the coffe tray usually and our beloved customer says " It comes out from the tower not from the TV". Agent understands that the coffee tray is attached to the CPU, the next question brings into picture that the coffee tray comes out from the top part of the tower and a light glows when the button is pressed to take it out. Agent would ask whats written there and here ends the search of the millenium " Samsung CD-RW ". The customer after understanding that the coffee tray is CD Drive apologizes for the inconvinience and you know what we say to those customers " Happy Realization "