Thursday, July 2, 2009

Service Management Where Love is War !!!!!!

Sharad Pawar would not know what a bouncy pitch is, but he knows how to Run BCCI, Lalu Yadav never Learned Project Management, Cost Management or anything but he ran the Indian Railways, Ganguly never scored on the field but the team won the game over and over again. A world were people do things in domains that even their forefathers would not have Imagined. Welcome to Service Management.

If you think that to lead a fight, you need to have fought before,then my dear friends;Service Management will prove you wrong. To get the job done, you must have done it before is again a wrong statement, to involve in the Problem and to address the problem are two entirely different things. It's fun to hear words that you would not have heard in your entire life and act as if you are comfortable with it, It's fun when people who have spent their whole life working, sleeping on AIX having to listen to the "gyan" given by kids, who have not even touched the system once !!!!!!. Welcome to Service Management, the new heights of techno commercial, techno lingual career path. Man, Money and Machine are three aspects of any business. If you can manage the man, set his thoughts right, align him to the needs of business and deliver the services, that is what Service Management does.

Life takes it's on turns and I never knew the quest for a morning job will land me in a 24/7 job. Where Credit Management is subject to be learned and mastered, your efforts, if it has to be yours, even your sweat to should drop on the right carpets. Service Management is where Love is War. where you would haunt your colleagues and give them Nightmares. Efforts never Quantified, Results of efforts conceptual, Emotional and often tagged on people who are backseat drivers.

Being in the middle of Chaos being the key KRA, the only person whom you can yell at is your own image and that too if you have time to look at the mirror. Support groups wanting to resolve issues from the root, Process team wanting approvals to be in place, Technical Managers wanting the Logs' s and backup's in place, Restoring the services is like waging a war, were people tag you as a Pakistani, where in you are very much an Indian. Con calls starting from a professional mode, ending up in a kinder garden mode, Minutes of meetings getting forgotten in minutes, Processes moaning as they get raped over and over again, they will all take shapes and sizes in front of you.

Calls at the middle of the night, will wake you with problem statements close to titles of Bollywood Hits " Kuch Kuch Hota Hai" ( There is something happening ), Calls that will remind you of the Lokh Sabha and Rajya Sabha, were truth is a kid with no father and Problem does not have a mother, Calls that will make you feel confident that politics has a different level all together, might be Rahul Gandhi should use it as a test environment. From people who panic when there is a problem, from people whose calmness makes you panic when there is a problem, you can see a new world, where information passed and supplied makes you deliver and not deliver.Your hue and cry at the initial phase of an issue hits a world renowned IVR which every resolver group has " Our system is Taka tak", to by pass that " shamelessness " is the first qualification you need. Skin must have an ISI mark so that taunts do not go through it, were chauvinism of people are always shown to these nomads who own nothing but at the end of the day are answerable for everything.

Life goes on, Belief in the fact that technology will change, people's mentality towards work won't. The simple fact that technology depended business, cannot survive without this new breed, Managing technology has taken a new face, but be ready before you enter this,beware ; it is a one way road, Here respect is not on how much you know, it's on how much you can be diplomatic, Not on how much you deliver but how much you portray that you are delivering. Welcome to the Stickiest wicket I have ever played, May be it's Durban or Dubai, Pune or Perth, It's all about delivering when the fire is there !!!!!!

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