Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hey just scribbled it up !!!!

Have I ever failed in life, what's failure like, for that is it not necessary succeed. And success does not stumble upon you, cause you took a path which you never had a clue about. Today I am in a state that, I cannot fail. Whatever I deemed as success till date has not been achieved on a conscious effort, it's a flow I got into, and which leads me. It's dear to me not only because it feeds me, allows me to buy stuff and keeps life ticking!!!, but also that must have been gods vision till date. It's an illusion. a mirage, not success. It's a platform from where in I could build what I would deem success. Am I by anyways delaying gratification for the first time!!!!!

A realization that I cannot fail, embarrasses me, just rips me apart. Not even a single effort till date was valiant enough to be merited with a failure. Failure is a gift, a priced possession, found and fought by men who are passionate about something, Me the the mortal is not even close to it. "You cannot succeed", statements, took us here. Suggestions, observations and warnings stopped us from looking within. Might be a pinch of fate, makes me realize something. I have to start from the scratch, start loving something, chase that passion, attempt to succeed, actually succeed, in between find time to fear about failure and then invent failure.

Damn failure is far away, is it not, at least the current theory justifies it. What's failure when Success is not defined yet, whats failure more than failing in front of thyself. Hail the theory and let's move ahead.

1 comment:

S.A.L. said...

What do you do that you feel that you can't fail? Sometimes I have this feeling that I haven't faced any serious failure in my life. But probably we overlook the small things that create a void inside. When the voids pile up, I guess the success rate goes down...